Assessors Department

Duties & Responsibilities

The Assessor prepares an assessment roll of all real property (vacant and improved) within the Town boundaries, establishing the condition, value and taxable status of each parcel of property. The valuations determined by the Assessor's are then used to calculate Saratoga County, School and Fire District taxes to be levied against each parcel of real estate.

To ensure that assessment records reflect the most current mailing address and to ensure that tax bills are sent to the correct address, please notify this office of any mailing address changes.

Informal meetings with an Assessor can resolve most assessment questions. You may also contact the NYS Office of Real Property Services for further information and forms (click on the link above). If you disagree with your assessment, it is strongly recommended that you meet with the Town of Charlton Assessor (prior to Grievance Day on the 4th Tuesday in May, 2-4p.m. and 6-8p.m.) to learn how your assessment was determined and to make certain the assessor has all the correct information about the property. As a result of this meeting, an equitable adjustment may be reached.

If you are not satisfied with the determination of the Assessor, you may then proceed to the Board of Assessment Review (BAR) to learn the process for filing a grievance.  If you go to Grievance Day and are still not satisfied, you have the right to take your grievance to Small Claims Court.


Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Kimberly Caron Assessor (ext. 210)
Mary Beth Frewin Clerk (ext. 206)