Zoning & Building Department

All building permit applications in the historic district must be reviewed by the Historic District Commission before the issuance of a permit. A copy of the local law #2 of 1973 is available in the town hall.

Zoning board meetings are on an as-needed basis. All applications for the board must come through the zoning office for review.

Building permits are issued only after a review is completed by the Zoning Administrator. Applications and information can be picked up in the Town Hall outside the Zoning & Building Department.

Pools & Wood Stoves need a building permit before installation. Please use the Building Permit Form (triplicate form not available for download) Please pick one up at Town Hall outside the Zoning & Building Office. When in question, please contact the Zoning Administrator before beginning any work.

The Building & Zoning Code (Zoning Ordinance) is accessible via the link above, can be reviewed at Town Hall, or a copy can be purchased at the Town Clerks Office or Zoning & Building Department for $20.00.

Please allow 24 hours for an inspection.

Inspections Times and Procedures:

All inspection must be scheduled 24 hours prior to the inspection date requested.

Type of Inspections:
  • Footing inspections including rebar
  • Foundation/Backfill including waterproofing and drainage around the foundation
  • Rough Framing
  • Ice and water shield before the roof is shingled
  • Rough Plumbing, must be air or water tested
  • Electrical is completed by an outside agent and a list is available at the building department daily
  • Insulation Inspection
  • Septic system inspection and a letter from a design engineer stating that the system was installed according to plan
  • Final Electric:  must be completed before final for C/O is issued
  • Final Grading, Plumbing & Building and all completed on the same day

Building permit applications may be picked up at the Town Hall Daily

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Terry Anthony Zoning Administrator & Building Inspector (204)
Laurie Kruppenbacher Building & Zoning Clerk
Doug Ranaletto Assistant Code Enforcement